Multi-Room Systems

Multi-Room Systems

Multi-split systems are ideal for multi-room installations, allowing up to 6 indoor units to be connected to a single outdoor condenser. These types of systems can use any combination of high and low wall indoor units, each sized according to a room's heating and cooling requirements.

Multi-split systems are the perfect solution for residential park homes, luxury lodges and holiday homes, providing a totally flexible solution that can accomodate future expansion.


Low-Cost Heating For Homes

If you thought air conditioning was just for cooling you should think again, because modern inverter systems use heat pump technology to deliver both cooling and  heating.

Compared to conventional heating systems, air conditioning heat pump systems are cheaper to run, producing up to 5 times the amount of heat energy for every kilowatt of electricity they use.

As the cost of energy increases and our climate gets warmer, air conditioning is the only solution that can help to reduce energy bills whilst maintaining comfortable room temperatures all year round.

Aircon v's Conventional Heating

At best, the  maxium efficiency of a conventional heating system is 100%, where an electric heater might produce 1kw of heat energy for every 1kw/h of electricity it uses.

Split system air conditioners use SCOP values to determine efficiency, where a system with a SCOP value of 4.7 will deliver 4.7kw of heat energy using just 1kw/h of electricity.

If a room requires 1kw/h of heat energy per hour and your unit price for electricity is 34p, it will cost 34p per hour to heat with an electric heater, or just 7p per hour using an air conditioner.

That's a saving of 78.82%.

How Much Could You Save?

Use our free calculation tools below to see how much you could save using aircon instead of your current heating system. Select the comparison you want to make and enter your own costs for Gas, Oil, Lpg and Electric. For more accurate results, enter your estimated heating demand and the number of hours you have your heating on per day to see your current running costs and the amount you could be saving with aircon.

Select your heating system from the options below

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